Thursday, 22 August 2013

FAQ How much car fuel saving? Jimat Minyak Kereta? FireStorm Super up to 15% Average Saving !~ NGV boost power?

Frequently Asked Question

(The Golden Question):-

 1. How much fuel saving FireStorm Super will able to deliver?

We recorded average of 8 ~ 15% fuel saving, depend of car model, conditions, driver habits.

Below are best monthly average fuel saving:-

Car model                                        Before               After                Saving               
Toyota Camry 2.0 Auto 2009          10.2km/l            11.8km/l          1.6km/l (16%)
Mercedes E200K 2003                    8.4km/l             9.6km/l           1.2km/l (14%)

If based on fuel saving of 15%, average mileage of a Toyota Camry per year of 30,000kms.
Improvement after FireStorm installation is 11.7km/l, from previous 10.2km/l.
Return of investment using RON95 fuel price at RM1.90/litre is less than a year.

US car with fuel USD3.6/gallon, expect return to be better at LESS THAN HALF YEAR.
Better still if you are Singaporean car, expect return IN VERY FEW MONTHS ONLY!~

UPDATED 3-Sep-2013 With RON95 at RM2.10/ litre
Fuel saving return for Malaysian car is LESS THAN 8 MONTHS!~

2. Why my fuel saving cannot match as what you claimed?

As we mentioned earlier a lot of factor affect the fuel saving, these factor are:-
Driver habit -     Highly spirited driver shall experience less fuel saving, as they accelerate and
                        brake hard. Causing fuel been wasted even with more torque and power given.
Car Model -       Each car combustion efficiency is different
Car condition -   Under-powered car (car with low engine cc to weight ratio)
                         Mechanical wear (aged car/ poorly maintained car eg. bearing/ gear problem)
                        Tuned engine (car that already tuned with high performance boost/ parts)

3. Can CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) modified vehicle or NGV use FireStorm?

Why not? Yes it works on all spark plug ignited engine.
Yes we have installed on CNG modified vehicle/ NGV & it works great!
Usually CNG modified vehicle experienced small lost in power.

NGV owner with big capacity engine, we challenge you to try out the FireStorm. You won't be disappointed. You will recover small portion of the lost power and car felt smoother and lighter.
Same goes for taxi that using CNG that suffered underpower, we challange you to try it out FREE**. You won't regret using FireStorm. Taxi driver with FireStorm will felt the effect daily and it will be good pleasure driving your taxi everyday.

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